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difficulties with javascript

Registered: Aug 9 2007
Posts: 2

I've just installed acrobat 8.1
I want to work with forms and database connection (sql server).

Connection is ok, SQL request is ok.

my scrip is
try {
connect = ADBC.newConnection("liaisonODBC");
if (connect == null) throw "Impossible de se connecter";
statement = connect.newStatement();
if (statement == null) throw "Impossible objet statement";
} catch(e) {

statement.execute('SELECT pa_nom as nom FROM "my database"WHERE PA_ID=11')

var row = statement.getRow();
this.getField("nom")= row.nom.value;

the message in the console is :
this.getField is not a function

I dont understand why ?

on my computer there is not global.js or config.js files is it normal ?

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Since JavaScript is an object orientated language and "getField()" is a method of the field object, you will have specify the propterty of the field object you are trying to set. Otherwise JavaScript thinks you are calling a function.

this.getField("nom").value = row.nom.value;

George Kaiser