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dynamic object literal for hier_list_box

Registered: Aug 6 2008
Posts: 4

I am using "hier_list_box" in the dialog in adobe acrobat javascriipt programming. It works well when I have the following in the script.

"Chapter 01":
"Section 1":-1, "Section 2":-2, "Section 3":-3, "Section 4":-4, "Section 5":-5, "Section 6":-6,

I wonder how I can make the "object literal" for function load be dynamic, so the script can read the list from a data file and dialog.load(an object variable) will do the same thing. Thanks in advance.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Macintosh
Registered: Aug 6 2008
Posts: 4
I have figured out by using JSON.
Registered: Dec 11 2008
Posts: 32
I would love to know how you used JSON in a form