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Dynamically Populating Combo Box Adobe Javascript

Registered: May 6 2007
Posts: 18

I have LiveCycle Desidner 8, I am trying sample xml Data and bind this xml values with combobox, it display in pdf preview option but when i save this Design as pdf on my local machine I cant see that value in combobox.
Here I am trying to explain my exact problem to you, please give me solution
I am developing c# 2005 application, in that i have sql database, when user create sample checklist design(pdf) using LiveCycle Desidner 8, in that suppose user used combobox and i want to fill this combo with database one of the fields values eg. User name.
How can i fill this combo with database values
I am trying for 1) ODBC connection-- DSN ->> Create Dynamically DSN and used this DSN name in LiveCycle Desidner 8 but i cant make SQL Server Authentication. thats why this option doesnt work for me
2) Take the data from database, and make the xml file, and read this xml values to display in combobox, but this also not happend with me
Can you give me solution those show me how to solve my problem
Your help Greatlly Appreciate
Regard less of that
1) Can you tell me how to convert xdp to pdf using code or Any 3rd party tool?
2) How to Certify Acroform?
Sarfaraj Sayyad.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
When you create a "Data Connection" in LiveCycle Designer it's up to you to include the proper authentication in the connection string. If necessary, you can modify the connection string at runtime through the "sourceSet" model. There are good examples of how to work with this model in the "Data Drop-Down" component in the "Custom" library.

At present, only Acrobat and the LiveCycle servers can convert XDP in the PDF.

To certify any PDF you simply choose "Save as certified" from the file menu.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: May 6 2007
Posts: 18
Can any body tell me how it work with windows application
My Database is any thing like SQL,Oracle
I am 1st read the data from Database then create xml using database values like

xml File



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I want this Driver name Bind with Combo Box in Windows Application (C#)

means whenever user open PDF file that time pick up the data from this xml file and show it on PDF.
Means Every time you get Updated value

I am trying with DSN but when i save this pdf on my local machine that time if i change my database, this value can not reflected in my local PDF because of this DSN create at design time not Open time?

Please give me solution

Sarfaraj Sayyad