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Exract pgaes

Registered: Jun 29 2008
Posts: 68

Hi All,

Please help on this....

I have written a java script to extract pages from the pdf files, it is working fine.

I am facing the problem when pdf files are enabled for Annotation. the script gives security error however i have used trusted fuction.

Query is - if pdf file is enabled for annotation also, using Acrobat Professional we are are able to extract the pages but why through script it throughs error, how we can avoid this?

Thanks in advance.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.1.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Because Adobe has realize some people take advantage of some automation features to take data from a PDF without the user's knowledge and Adobe has isolated these tools so the use needs to manually install a special file with the code to perform these restricted actions. This at least provides the end users a chance to decide if they want to allow these special actions to be performed silently or not at all.

Adobe has provided documentation on how to code special functions and how to install the special files so one can allow use of these restricted actions.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jun 29 2008
Posts: 68
Thanks for looking into this and detailes given.