I tried searching here and other places, but I'm not finding what I thought I should. Maybe my search criteria is not right.
Anyhow, I'm looking to show a "+" or "-" depending on if the result is positive or negative.
If result is a bonus 3 then I want it to show as +3, but if it is a penalty (negative) it should show -3. I saw this once some time ago, but now that I need it, I can't find how to do it. Concatenate comes to mind, but I don't remember.
Thanks in advance for any help you offer,
You can use unicode for the + and - signs in fields. Read the JavaScript Corner article at the link below for more info- there is a downloadable PDF with example code as well. You will have to figure out what the unicode is for the symbols- a Google search should work easily for that.
Hope this helps,
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions