I CAN get this to work;
Button1.border.fill.color.value = "255,0,0";
But if I define a "form variable" (call it redone) and make it 255, I CAN'T get this to work;
Button1.border.fill.color.value = "redone.value,0,0";
This is all in java script, LiveCycle 8
Anyone know what to do to get it to work?????
Thanks, Rod
In JavaScript, anything in quotes is a string, so you can't place variables in quotes. Instead you have to concatonate the string variable with the static text. Rewrite your code like this.
Button1.border.fill.color.value = redone.value + ",0,0";
or, use the border color shortcut property
Button1.borderColor = redone.value + ",0,0";
Thom Parker
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Very Important - How to Debug Your Script