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getPageNthWord to find words with multiple hyphens

Registered: Feb 5 2008
Posts: 18

I am using an Acrobat Pro V8.1 javascript batch to try to find and link words that contain hyphens. The getPageNthWord with bStrip false only returns a series of words. How can I get something to return a string like "1C-130H-2-70JG-00-1" as a single word instead of words, 1C-; 130H-;2-;70JG-;00-;1?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
You can't, you have to concatonate them together. This is not a trivial script and there are several more complex ways to make sure the words are all in the same line and next to each other, but I'll show you a very simple one.

The code below adds words together when all of the words in a sequence end with a hyphen.
var nWrds = this.getPageNumWords(this.pageNum);var bCollecting = false;var cTheWord = "";var allTheWords = new Array();var rgFindH  = /\-$/;for(var i=0;i<nWrds;i++){var cWrd = this.getPageNthWord(this.pageNum,i,false);var bHasHyphen = rgFindH.test(cWrd);if(!bCollecting){if(bHasHyphen){cTheWord = cWrd;bCollecting = true;}}else{cTheWord += cWrd;if(!bHasHyphen){bCollecting = false;allTheWords.push(cTheWord);}}}

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Feb 5 2008
Posts: 18

excellent! I just might be able to work this into exactly what I need. I figured this task would involve some crafty technique, and I thank you very much for your assistance.
Registered: Mar 15 2007
Posts: 53
Is it possible to link the whole word to a web page using the same method?
For example the the text is like below

Please help.
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Why yes, you can acquire the coordinates of text, and there is a PDF Link Annotation that can be created and placed with JavaScript. Take a look at Example 2, for the "doc.addLink()" function in the Acrobat JavaScript Reference.

But this is not an easy coding task and it's also a different topic. Please post new topics to a new thread.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script