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hide and show buttons and text fields sending email

Registered: Jul 30 2011
Posts: 11

i need to hide and show buttons sending an email

what i did is update the javascript in my button but what happen is that it answer to the first part of command.
i tried even to do "add a javacript" 3 times in the button but it doesn't work.

these are the lines i wrote can anyone help on this?

first time i clicked add a javascript

getField("print").display = display.noprint;
getField("send").display = display.noprint;
getField("bin").display = display.noprint;
getField("Text4").display = display.visible;

then i clicked again add a javascript

cTo: this.getField("refer").value,
cCc: this.getField("mail").value,
cSubject: "Quotation request from: " + this.getField("company").value,
cMsg: "save this e-mail for your records"
then the third time
getField("print").display = display.noprint;
getField("send").display = display.noprint;
getField("bin").display = display.noprint;
getField("Text4").display = display.noView;

it gives the result to send the email and the first instruction for the button but not the last.
i know i'm doing it wrong but i'm totally new to javascript
regards Ray

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0, Macintosh
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
You don't need three Run a JavaScript commands. It will be better to combine them all to one.
However, it should still work... Are there any error messages in the JS console?

- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
Check out my custom-made scripts website:

Registered: Jul 30 2011
Posts: 11
i would like to do it in just one command but i'm not able to, no i do not have any error message, it looks like it takes just the first command, then send the email but it doesn't comply the last command.
what do you think?
Registered: Jul 30 2011
Posts: 11
Accepted Answer
// set the button hidden and the text visible in the mail
getField("bin").display = display.hidden;
getField("Text4").display = display.visible;
getField("send").display = display.hidden;
getField("print").display = display.hidden;
var cCCAddr = this.getField("ATTN OF").value + ", ";
var cSubLine = "Sales Quotation request, from: " + this.getField("company").value;
var cBody = "" +
"Save the mail attachment for your own records";
var cEmailURL = "mailto:sales [dot] quotation [at] mail [dot] com?cc=" + cCCAddr + this.getField("e-mail"). value
+ "&subject=" + cSubLine
+ "&body=" + cBody;
this.submitForm({cURL: cEmailURL, cSubmitAs:"PDF", cCharSet:"utf-8"});
// Set the buttons to no print and the text invisible in the mail
getField("bin").display = display.noPrint;
getField("Text4").display = display.noView;
getField("send").display = display.noPrint;
getField("print").display = display.noPrint;

// now it worksssssss