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How to bold face a word in a Richtext Edit Database Field?

Registered: May 27 2009
Posts: 3

Any help would be appreciated. Any rtf commands I place in the database field show up as
text in the editbox .. i.e., rather than the word being bold face I get the rtf commands to appear
{/b ... /b0}

I'm using version acrobat 9.1 professional


Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Acrobat forms do not use the "Rich Text Format", RTF, for the use "Rich Text" field. Sort of like Acrobat not using web JavaScirpt for Acrobat JavaScript. It could be possible to use Acrobat JavaScirpt to convert the text with the RTF commands to a spanned object and bold the words.

George Kaiser