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How do I know that ADBC is activate?

Registered: Aug 25 2010
Posts: 2

I have followed the advice noted on this forum for activating ADBC in Acrobat Pro (9); created the ADBC folder within the 9.0 folder, adding Dword "bJSEnable", plus the value of 1 and reboot.

The About Adobe plug-in, database connectivity tab still indicates that it is NOT loaded. Is this how I judge the status? Where is ADBC accessible, once loaded?

Thanks for your help

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
Try running some code that uses ADBC and see if you get an error. The plug-in should load when needed.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Have you created an ODBC connection on your system through the Windows control panel?

You can use the 'newConnection' method to see if a connection can be established. There is an example script that list the available ADBC connections. Of course this assumes your system is properly configured to access a Windows ODBC connection.

George Kaiser