I want write javascript into a pdf file,to record times of file have been printed.
In my opinion,first I must find out "print event",then using the format "if (print event happened) {}" to do it.
I saw an event named "didprint" in Acrobat JavaScript Scripting Reference,but i don't know how to use it,and there is on example in internet.
so how can i do it?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
You will have to create either a subscribed global variable for each pdf you are going to count or create field within the PDF or connect to a data base.
Global variable space is limited so a field or connecting to a data base would work better for a large number of files.
Updating fields can have sharing issues and the form has to be a network and saved back to the orignial file after each print.
Also if any of your users have Reader there are saving rights issues and all users will be prompted to save the PDF.
For a field within the PDF created with Acrobat Froms Tool and not LiveCycle Designer, you can add the following "Will Print" script to update a field called "TimesPrinted":
this.getField("TimesPrinted").value = this.getField("TimesPrinted").value++
Data base updates are complex.
I would talk with your sysadmin and see if there is not a system level solution.
George Kaiser