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How to set initState for an OCG with javascript?

Registered: Mar 13 2009
Posts: 26

I am looking to allow a user (from Reader) to change the initState of a specific OCG by clicking a form button.

I'm searching for a step-by-step method for authoring this into the PDF... anyone know how to do this? I was hoping there was a way of running a javascript action when the button is clicked.



My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Macintosh
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi kilmanjaro,

Here is an article from the Learning Center on manipulating OCGs with JavaScript that should be helpful-

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Mar 13 2009
Posts: 26
Thanks for getting back to me Dimitri!

I read through the document last week and it was really helpful, but I couldn't make out how to use the initState property correctly...

When I'm authoring the PDF and setting the actions for a Button that when Mouse Up will set the initState for an OCG titled "test" to true.

What is the entire javascript code I would need to paste into the "run a javascript" field?

test.initState. = true;?

Is there any other script that needs to accompany this?

Your thoughts are welcome and appreciated!
