It's probably super simple but I'm a total novice with acrobat forms.
what I have so far to show the shipping cost is:
var f = this.getField("SubTotal");
event.value = Math.max(7, Math.floor(f.value * 0.1));
so I have a minimum of $7 and for the rest it's 10% of the subtotal
and that works fine
I need to add a way if it the subtotal is more than $250 that the shipping shows the word "FREE"
I know this is wrong but just to show what I'm trying to get to:
var f = this.getField("SubTotal");
if (SubTotal == >250)
event.value = 'FREE';
event.value = Math.max(7, Math.floor(f.value * 0.1));
thank you for your time
if (SubTotal == >250)Use this:
if (SubTotal >= 250)
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