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Is it possible to read data from excel, doc in ADOBE using Java Script

Registered: Oct 2 2008
Posts: 22


My requirment is, user can browse and upload any type of file in interactive ADOBE form. Using java script we nned to read the file contents. Is it possible to read data from doc, excel files?

Please reply.


Registered: Jul 25 2006
Posts: 255
Acrobat can read from a data object, but it must be some kind of text document (meaning that it is in the clear, or XML in the clear, or you can implement a decoding/decompressing routine in JavaScript). With binary formats, or undocumented formats, you will be out of luck.

So, for Word, you might use RTF, for Excel, you might use Tab Delimited or CSV. You might also consider feeding the (MS) Office documents into OpenOffice, which has a documented XML format.

Hope this can help.

Max Wyss.