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Livecycle Drop-Down

Registered: Nov 20 2007
Posts: 2

I am currently using Livecycle and need to know some javascript. What I want to do is have a Drop-down list, that when an item in the list is selected that it will make a subform visible. I have tried several different script and none have worked. Please help!

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 15 2005
Posts: 51
I will assume that you are trying to change the visibility of objects. If you are trying to do this in Designer the most common problem I see when "nothing happens" is reported is that the form is not a Dynamic form.

Go to "File" then "Form Properties" then the "Preview" tab. Make sure the preview is set to "Dynamic XML Form" and not "Static PDF Form".

Next, go to "Save As" and change your type to a Dynamic format instead of Static.

With these changes your form can now act "Dynamically" which includes the appearance and disappearance of different objects on your form.