Again, I apologize for my ignorance but I am just trying to learn enough to do what I think should be an easy thing, so in answering this question please assume I am a raw beginner.
I am still trying to get my VB program to open a PDF file and navigate to a page which is defined within the VB program. I found the following code in the documentaion for IAC but I don't know how to implement it:
Private Sub myGoto(ByVal where As Integer)
Dim app As Object, avdoc As Object, pageview As Object
app = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
avdoc = app.GetActiveDoc
pageview = avdoc.GetAVPageView
End Sub
I am using Acrobat 7.0 professional, Visual Basic 5.0 and I downloaded and installed the Acrobat 7.05 SDK. My questions are
1) Where do I put this code?
2) what is "AcroExch.App"?
3) what is the "Where" argument in the Goto statement.
You should also upgrade to at least VB6, and be looking at the Acrobat 6 SDK for the samples. These two go together well, although other configurations will work.
Once you get over this hump it really is very simple to use. Just take a look at the sample files in the SDK.
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script