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Reading User ID on a Share Drive

Registered: Sep 3 2008
Posts: 8


Using Javascript is it possible to read the user id of the person who is opening the PDF file on a network, and if the user id is recognized (if userid="xyz") then enable the email option..


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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Yes and No. The user ID and other local parameters are available throught the Identity object, which is only accessible through a privileged context. Basically, you can't do it from a scirpt in a document.

What do you mean by enabling the "email" option?

Thom Parker
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Thom Parker
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Registered: Sep 3 2008
Posts: 8
Thanks for your quick reply. Basically the PDF file is an interactive form with submit option (email the results via XML), now what I am trying to do is to allow all the users to alter the data on the form, but only few people may have the privileges to submit the results. Therefore I was looking for a way to obtain the user ID and compare it to list of email ids that are stored in the form (Static text box with default value set as 5 email ids). Please is it possible to do this without setting up password for the user to submit the result?