Hello Forum,
I have the following Problem:
I made three Folderscripts the first splits e. DIN A3 to 2x DINA4
, the second script splits Spreads in the the middle not running on the first and last Page.
The third script changes the first and last Page in a Document.
So every Script is running alone in the Javascript folder everything works fine.
I think theres a Problem with the cExec: "ProcessDocument()" the first and second Script are using both.
The script changes the first and last Page in a Document runs with the first AND the second script I think, because here it another cExec: "PPReversePages();", so Its running.
The scripts No. 1+2 are using the commands from the other scripts and so on.
If I change the loading order in the Javascriptfolder the second folderscript uses the Commands of the first Folderscript.
So whats going wrong. I need all the Scripts running in a MenuItem at the SAME time, so I cannot deactivid also one Script and restart Acrobat.
Please could you help me?
kind regards Gebhard
//end of the first script
// add the menu item
cName: "DoppelSeitenZuEinzelSeitenJS", // this is the internal name used for this menu item
cUser: "DoppelSeiten zu Einzelseiten Trennen", // this is the label that is used to display the menu item
cParent: "Tools", // this is the parent menu. The file menu would use "File"
cExec: "ProcessDocument()",// this is the JavaScript code to execute when this menu item is selected
cEnable: "event.rc = (event.target != null);", // when should this menu item be active?
nPos: 1
//end of the second script
cName: "ersteletzteV2JS", // this is the internal name used for this menu item
cUser: "ErsteundLetzteEinzelnTestDoppelseiten", // this is the label that is used to display the menu item
cParent: "Industrie-+WerbedruckWestphalApogeeTools", // this is the parent menu. The file menu would use "File"
cExec: "ProcessDocument()", // this is the JavaScript code to execute when this menu item is selected
cEnable: "event.rc = (event.target != null);", // when should this menu item be active?
nPos: 2
//end of the third script
cName: "Titel-Rueck-Seiten Vertauschen 8-1 zu 1-8",
cUser: "",
cParent: "Tools",
cExec: "PPReversePages();",
cEnable: "event.rc = (event.target != null);",
nPos: 3
- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
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