Can someone simplify my code? I just don't know how to implement arrays! I tried to learn but it just confused me XD.
I have 11 fields. Cost 10[01-12] How could i set up an array for these?
event.value = +getField("Cost 1001").value + +getField("Cost 1002").value + +getField("Cost 1003").value + +getField("Cost 1004").value + +getField("Cost 1005").value + +getField("Cost 1006").value + +getField("Cost 1007").value + +getField("Cost 1008").value + +getField("Cost 1009").value + +getField("Cost 1010").value + +getField("Cost 1011").value + +getField("Cost 1012").value;
if ((event.value == 0) && (getField("Cost 1999").valueAsString === "")) event.value = "";
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