I have this document containing many pages and users using Reader to view it. The user has to decide which pages he needs to print.
I imagined crating a check box at the top of each pages so the user could turn "on" every pages he needs and then creating a print button that would check the value of those checkboxes, printing ones that are "on".
I see two possibilities, either creating a button that inserts the name (or number) of each checked pages in a print script or creating a button that creates a bunch of "one-page print scripts".
I need you guys for this one, I'm totally lost with this. Is it even possible to create such a script?
You will need to use the this.print() method, to which you can specify the page range to be printed (see the documentation for more info.)
The best way is to create a set of consistently named check-boxes (like Print1 on page 1, Print2 on page 2, etc.), and then write a button MouseUp script that loops over these boxes and prints each page where the corresponding check-box is ticked.
- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
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