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Today's Date

Registered: Dec 9 2007
Posts: 11


I am designing a form and I would like to have a Date field where the date that the form is initially filled out is displayed automatically. I would be grateful if some one would let me know the procedure. Thank you.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
For Acrobat forms you can use the following document level JavaScirpt to imput the current date into a formatted field called "Current Date":

this.getField("CurrentDate").value = new Date();

In LiveCycle Designer one can use


in the calculation field to input the current date

George Kaiser

Registered: Dec 9 2007
Posts: 11
Thank you very much
Registered: Jan 6 2008
Posts: 21
Thank you.

This is a fairly common need and yet my search of many forums failed to come up with an easy to understand and implement approach. The approach given here was exactly what I needed. This forum and its contributors are a great resource.