I have an order form with products, sizes and pricing for each size range. I need to know how to calculate the total cost for a particular product based upon the size selected by the customer.
field names are as follows "17164_SZ" (a list box with a range of sizes from 32-52), "17164_PRICE" (hidden text box with a price for sizes 32-44), "17164_XL_PRICE" (hidden text box with a price for sizes 46-52), "17164_QTY" (text box that the customer fills in ) and "17164_EXT" (text box, action to be set to custom script)
I need a script that will calculate the 17164_EXT as a product of either 17164_PRICE * 17164_QTY or 17164_XL_PRICE * 17164_QTY based upon the value entered into 17164_SZ.
I'm new to javascripting so I don't know what the actual code should be. I understand the logic.
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