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1. Create custom menu item (in both Acrobat and Acrobat Reader) that will
2. Run an Excel add-in subroutine, taking a passed parameter
Apparently this can't be done in JavaScript, and needs to be a C++ plug-in. More details:
A. The menu item really only needs to come up when a user is viewing a document
B. The VB code that I use (within Access/VBA) is:
XL.Run "'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Microsoft\AddIns\PharmaDocs.xla'!DMS_ShowDocuments", strParam
Where XL is an Excel application object, followed by the strange-grammar path to the add-in itself and the name of the subroutine. Notice this VBA Run command allows parameter passing so the strParam is a string that gets passed to the subroutine as well.
I don't have to have the parameter-passing but I DO need that specific subroutine to launch. When using VBA, this starts an Excel instance without really "showing" it, and that's what I'm after. FYI this subroutine opens a userform, takes input, and "does stuff".
So I am looking for the same functionality I describe in (1) and (2) above, but for Acrobat.
Thanks for help/quotes.