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How to Remove the Date When Added with the Bates Numbering feature

Registered: Mar 22 2010
Posts: 25

I LOVE the Bates Numbering feature, however, in my testing of it, I added a date as it allows to happen.

When I went back to REMOVE the Bates Numbering (and the corresponding date), I noticed that it ONLY removed the Bates numbering, not the date and other information "Confidential", etc that I included.

Am I missing something or did Adobe leave out a process to, within the same feature, remove all or components of what was added?

What I would have expected is one of two things (with the first being preferrable):

1) Since I was given the ability to add all this information, I would like to see a little pop-up dialog box after selecting "Remove" from the menu so that I can choose to remove 'Just the Bates Numbering', The Date, Additional Header/Footer Information and have a checkbox for each; OR,

2) If that is too cumbersome for Adobe to make happen - remove it all.

It's such a terrific feature, I am just surprised that it is not complete.

I know I can remove it from the Object Touch-Up Tool or even the Redaction tool, but WHY when it could be built right into the feature that allowed it to be created in the first place?

Am I missing something?

Thanks for your help.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
the bates number tool is a variant of the header & footer tool. try removing any string with the header & footer tool (document menu > header & footer > remove).
Registered: Mar 22 2010
Posts: 25
Thank you! Yes, that did work.
It is an all or nothing approach, unfortunately, but it does work.