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Acrobat 8: Missing PDFMaker files after installing updates

Registered: Oct 3 2009
Posts: 2

I'm running Acrobat 8 and MS XP Home and Microsoft Office 2003 (SP3)

My Acrobat was working fine up until today, after it downloaded and installed updates. When I try to convert to a PDF in MS Word, I receive the following message:
Missing PDFMaker Files. Do you want to run the installer in repair mode? I did and it didn't work. As indicated on this forum in 2007, I tried going to Help in MS Word, clicked on About MS Word, then enabled Acrobat (it was disabled), then restarted Word. It still can’t create PDFs. Interestingly, PDF conversion in Excel is working fine.

I have Acrobat 8 installed on two computers, my office computer and notebook, as permitted. This same situation occurred with my old office computer a couple months ago (XP Pro & MS Office 2003) but, the problem happened only with Excel. I wasn’t able to resolve the issue and had to use this notebook to do conversions in Excel. The office computer was recently replaced so the program was uninstalled (“deactivate” wasn’t an available option so simply uninstalled) then reinstalled on the new computer which is running fine…so far.

Any idea how to get Acrobat running properly on this notebook computer and how to prevent this from happening again? Could it somehow be related to the update process and having Acrobat on 2 computers?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.1.4, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Have you tried any of the other troubleshooting tips offered in the technical note [url=]PDFMaker is unavailable in a Microsoft Office application with Acrobat (7, 8, 3D, and 3D 8 on Windows)[/url]?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for