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Acrobat 8 Professional: General Error. URGENT REPLY PLEASE!

Registered: Dec 17 2009
Posts: 4

Basically, I am using the program for the first actual time, because I need to convert a website to a .PDF so I can print it out easily. The problem is that it manages to process about half of my website (50-60-ish pages done out of 110.), until it comes up with "general error" for two image files. I have tried this on two different version of my website. This is the 'Web Capture Feature' btw ;)

Does anyone know how to sort this out, because I have no idea what the general error means. It seems vague to me. It does not do it with any other .png images, just these two. It also returns "unknown format" for an .mp3 file.

I am using the program in Windows 7, although I don't see how much this would really affect it.

I have tried looking through the help sections in the program and on here, but the only other topic I could find related to my problem was to do with Mac. The program has been updated, and whatnot.

Any help would be most grateful.

This is basically what it returns on the clipboard:

Unknown Format file:////Multimedia/subject_overview.mp3
General Error file:///Source Images/subj_staff_wyman.png
General Error file:///Source Images/subj_staff_coleman.png

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.3, Windows
Registered: Dec 17 2009
Posts: 5
Did you try removing the mp3 file and seeing if that resolves the problem? Is this the only mp3 on the site (or at least, on the pages that it does process)?
Registered: Dec 17 2009
Posts: 4
I seemed to have fixed it now. Apparently Acrobat doesn't like it when the source path starts with a '\' That fixed the first error.

That was the only mp3 file on the website. But I had two versions. An older one, with no mp3 and a newer one, with mp3.

But its fine now. I've sorted it.

Thanks for your help anyway :)