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Acrobat Professional 9.0 - Starting from scratch!!!

Registered: Jun 27 2008
Posts: 4

I am a total novice to using Adobe, previously having only used reader to open documents. I want to now send documents as PDF's - so was advised to get Adobe Professional.

I know that its possible to convert a word document to PDF which may be the easiest solution, however this is not ideal as I have a letter head which has some background design. My friend who designed this for me probably used photoshop or something, or even coverted JPEG to PDF and sent this to me.

I tried to figure out how I could type onto that particular file, as one does in word. But its not quite working. I am trying to use the 'typewriter tool' buts its not very easy - the text goes all over the place, no margins, it doesnt carry over to the next line/ page - also is there now justify option just central, left or right alignment?

Ideally I would like to save a template, one for a single page letter, and so on. Which I could simply open type the address and body and then save and send?

Whats the easiest way to do this?



My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Aug 10 2007
Posts: 45
If the background was created and shows up in your word docs have you tried just the simple Print to Printer Adobe PDF. This should save everything including your background as a PDF. Then you could attach it to emails. Plus being in your word processor you can quickly get a letter out with all the bells and whistles that your clients expect including Mail Merge.

Otherwise you can set up a template in Acrobat with the image as a full page and text boxes in the page for typing into.

Bill Guy

Registered: Jun 27 2008
Posts: 4
The background image may appear in word, cant say that I have even tried opening in word, as I have JPEG and PDF versions of the letterhead.

So are you saying to open the document in word then save as a pdf?

I am not familiar with the simple print to acrobat function - can you please advise on how to do this?

The problem is that I cannot write over the background image in word, so either I have to import the text over the pdf version in adobe. If I try and combine a word document and the pdf version of the letterhead, it messes up big time. Text goes on seperate page and the original pdf is left as it is.

If I try to create PDF from file - open the letterhead and type onto it using adobe its very restrictive doesnt automatically go on to the next line, there is no justify option, margin set up on text only is difficult. Also cant get the text to go over into next page normally????

Thanks for your help - any other suggestions?
