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Advanced Document Processing Batch sequence does not do what I expect

Registered: Jun 4 2009
Posts: 5

Please does anyone have experience of Batch Processing using the advanced\document\batch processing?

I have set up a very simple sequence to Print to PDF all the Word documents in a folder and it's subfolders. I have selected the output option of "Save in same folder as original".

When running the sequence Acrobat does several strange things

1 It asks me where to save each file (even though the sequence was set to "Save in same folder as original".
2 It saves the pdf file to the folder and not to the orginal folder
3 It saves the file with the same name as the original (this bit is correct)
4 It saves a further copy of the file with a made up sequential type name

I have checked that the user has read and modify access to the original folders and files.

As I have some 960 files to process it would be great to find out what is wrong - any thoughts gratefully appreciated

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Jun 4 2009
Posts: 5
It turns out most of this behavior was caused by differences in file and folder access permissions between different users. We reverted to the user who originally created both files and folders and behavior is now as would be expected from the sequence definition - however please see my later post about save dialogue for xps files.

It would be very helpful if Acrobat gave a meaningful warning at this point - e.g. "you don't have the necessary modify access for this folder so you will be asked to specify a folder to save the document in"