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Automating the PDF creation process

Registered: Jun 9 2010
Posts: 17

I'm not so much looking for user automation as I am trying to simplify my own onerous process.

For example, I need to create a single PDF doc from 18 other various docs (some MS Word, some PDF) spread out across a dozen different directories. Doing this within Acrobat involves selecting those 18 individual docs -- a time-consuming process of hunt-and-pick I find myself performing repeatedly, as errors occur that abort the compilation and not to mention updates to individual files (which are frequent).

Any way to create a listing of the requisite docs and their locations, one that I can simply "compile" repeatedly instead of rebuilding the list by hand every single time? I thought collections might be a solution but the functionality just isn't there.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0, Windows
Registered: Jul 26 2006
Posts: 22
If the files are the same each time can you store a shortcut of each in a folder on your local computer and open them from the shortcut?
Registered: Jun 9 2010
Posts: 17
That's how it is set up now, but Acrobat will not allow the bulk-selection of files to a PDF that aren't all in the same folder. I still have to select each individually (even with a shortcut), navigating back to the original folder each time.

I understand what you're suggesting: It would be nice to select a dozen items at once and generate a PDF in one step, but Acrobat does not permit that (for reasons unknown to me).
Registered: Jul 26 2006
Posts: 22
Hmm . . . Can't speak for your version of Acrobat but in Acrobat 9 pro using File/Combine/Merge files into a single PDF menu I can point to a folder of shortcuts and add them to the list all at one time. It then combines them from the respective location of each. Maybe try a demo of 9 to see if it behaves differently than your installed copy.
Registered: Jun 9 2010
Posts: 17
@jcallis: Since my original post, we have upgraded to Acrobat 9 Pro.

File/Combine/Merge gives me the same negative response it always has: "You can choose multiple items only if they are all located in the same folder."
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
It's possible to this with a script, like this one (created by me):

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Check out my custom-made scripts website:

Registered: Jul 26 2006
Posts: 22
I have success by making a new folder, in this folder creating a shortcut/alias for each file desired from several locations, in Acrobat Merge menu adding files and shift selecting all of the shortcuts then combine. They do not have to be added one at a time. This works for me on PC and Mac, shortcuts stored on server or local drive.

This gives me a combined file of all pages that were selected via the list of shortcuts. Being how these are on network volumes if you do not have them mounted or mapped I'm not sure the shortcuts would be able to get to the source file.
Registered: Jun 9 2010
Posts: 17
All our files are on a single server, just spread out through various directories.

All the shortcuts are valid and current, and I can select multiple if the files are located all in the same directory. However, selecting them all at once yields the message I listed previously. Any ideas?