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Batch Converting Files

Registered: Sep 8 2009
Posts: 8

I am presently running Acrobat 8 Pro on a Pentium IV with a 3.2 processor. I have approximately 13,000 files I need to convert from .efx format to .pdf. They convert fine if I right click and select "Convert to Adobe Acrobat file". But if I select a batch of files, say five at a time, the system freezes. Does anyone know a quick and easy way to convert these files? They run from 100 kb up to 1200 kb in size. There is maybe 20 to 40 files in each folder.


Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Somethings to consider.

Poke about in under the hood of Virus protection apps/suites.
Turn off "on the fly" checking of PDFs on the local machine (or a directory where you'd park PDFs for processing).

Turn off all the unnecessary process that are running.

Do not have any other applications open.

Pull the plug on internet connection & turn off virus protection app/suite.(+) ram (couldn't resist it ... )At one time or another, on various boxes, I've had to play with these.

The idea is to maximize resources.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Sep 8 2009
Posts: 8
Daka630, Thank you for the reply but it didn't change a thing or work. I shut everything off in the virus protection, closed everything not needed to run the system in the Windows Task Manager to no avail. The system I am running is pretty powerful, it is a 3.2 Intel processor, 2 gig ram, Raid configuration, three serial ata 250 gig hard drives.. It starts to make the pdfs and just hangs. I have no problem making single pdfs, it goes fairly fast. I also have a billing system that creates pdf files for the invoice and statement at the same time and that runs good also.. Its a little confusing why it is hanging..
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
the efx extension probably indicates that your files are "eFax" files. if you dont already have it, you'll need to install the viewer (eFax Messenger)

and read faq #1. How do I open my faxes?

my guess: you need to open the efx files in the native app (eFax Messenger) and "print" to a virtual pdf printer (such as adobe pdf)

how to batch process 13000 files is another issue.
Registered: Sep 8 2009
Posts: 8
rbogie, In reality, I was using a program called PaperMaster Pro and they have discontinued support for the program for Vista and Windows 7 (I'm currently running XP Pro but am getting ready to upgrade shortly, hence the need to change. It was a file cabinet system for holding information. I still have the program installed and this is how Acrobat recognizes the file type. I found a way to get all the files out of the program, it only took around 5 minutes, but this conversion thing may take forever. It appears when it starts the conversion, PaperMaster opens the file, Acrobat starts the conversion but then it hangs. One file at a time works fast and fine, but I know 13,000 files will not be fast unless I can select a lot of files at a time and watch it work..
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
PaperMaster Pro comes from eFax

i haven't used this app, but i'd guess that it has a 'save as pdf ' or 'export to pdf' command. if it has such a command, that's the way to go. (Not to attempt to open an efx file in acrobat.) alternative 1: from PMpro 'print' to pdf. alternative 2: PMpro will almost certainly have a 'save as tif' command. acrobat will handily convert tif to pdf.
Registered: Sep 8 2009
Posts: 8
rbogie, Appreciate your thought but I'm aware of that, but it only does one at a time also.. If I knew they would have discontiued the program I probably would have been saving them in pdf format all along, I just went with the default for years.. Learned a valuable lesson on this one..
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
i dont want to leave you hanging without a semblance of response re the batch conversion problem. if the 13000 eFax files were on my pc, i'd cook up a script and let it run all night. if i did not know how to create a script, i'd contact the eFax people and see if they could provide a solution for converting 1300 efx files to pdf. i'd suggest that you contact eFax.

here's another, perhaps more practical, solution: keep XP on a backup machine. leave the eFax archive on the XP machine. have a virtual pdf printer like CutePDF (or similar utility) on the XP machine for the occasional need to convert an efx file to pdf. (the need to convert is occasional, is it not?)