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Can create a PDF but the PDF Printer Folder shows errors

Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 8

Using Acrobat Standard 8.1.4 on Vista, PDF Printer is set as the default printer.

I can successfully create a PDF from any source, Word, a webpage, from Outlook and save it in the designated directory. But the PDF printer folder shows all documents errored out. Everything backs up until I manually cancel all documents.

I've tried switching the preferences around, and changing the printer from a COM port to an LPT and back, but nothing changes the outcome.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Jun 11 2009
Posts: 2
I have the exact same problem. Would be interested in any suggestions.
Registered: Jun 16 2009
Posts: 1
I, as well, had the same problem. I tried solutions from, and
Skuld-Chan wrote:
Some things to check:Right click on Adobe PDF > Properties > Ports - is PDF port listed and is Adobe PDF printer set to that port?Bring up task manager - is a task called Acrotray.exe running?
solved my problem. My adobe pdf printer port was set to com1, and when I set it to documents\*.pdf it started working properly.
Registered: Jun 11 2009
Posts: 2
Found this on another forum and it worked for me!

1) I deleted the PDF printer from my printers.
2) MSCONFIG, Tools, turn off UAC and reboot
3) Start Acrobat, Help Menu, Repair
4) Tried a test document and had no errors.
5) Reboot
6) Turn on UAC and Reboot.

Problem solved !!!