Using Acrobat Pro9. I have a large manual, originally created in Word 2003, from which I am able to successfully "Create PDF." Hyperlinks and links all create and work okay.
I have set up many hyperlinks to text strings within the document. For example, where I have abbreviated text and defined it:
"Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)"
I have then bookmarked "Code of Federal Regulations" and every time CFR appears in the document, CFR is a hyperlink back to the original bookmarked definition.
My problem is that with Word it is not possible (at least I don't think it is) to conditionally format the text of a "followed link." That is, I want the bookmarked text to appear normal until it is "followed to" by the link, at which time I want it to appear highlighted some way.
Is there a way to do this within Acrobat?
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