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Convert 8x10 page size from word to pdf

Registered: Aug 12 2008
Posts: 7

I keep trying to convert my book to size it for POD publication.

The size I need is 8x10.

After changing options in Distiller to 8x10 or Word to 8x10 when I go into properties of the PDF document it still says 8 x 11 for size.

What am I doing wrong?

What should I do right?

Thanks in advance.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 7.0.8, Windows
Registered: Aug 11 2008
Posts: 72
So you are changing the size of the word document to 8x 10 inside word? (file>page setup> custom size) and when you save as pdf the page size is still 8.5 x 11?I don't understand how you are changing the size in distiller. You can crop the page in acrobat at 8 x 10 but you will loose whatever text or graphics you have in the .5" at the bottom of the document. To crop a page: Advanced menu> print production> crop pages. (not sure if you can crop pages in the standard version though)
Registered: Aug 12 2008
Posts: 7
What I ended up doing was going to Documents and Crop Page which works.

Luckily I did not lose anything my page numbers show up.

This is for sending to a printer who requested these specs for a 8x10 book.

Thanks for you response

Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
All of the following (or some combination thereof) should work: On Word's page setup> 'paper tab' set the paper size to your 8x10 custom size. On the print dialog click 'properties' to get Adobe PDF Settings. Click add button and, if necessary, create a custom page size for 8 x 10. Select that page size in the drop down at 'Adobe PDF Page Size'. Click OK On the print dialog and just above the OK button at 'scale to paper size' select '8 x 10'. Then click OK on the Print dialog. Experiment to your heart's content!
Registered: Aug 12 2008
Posts: 7
I've tried all of these suggestions but when I go to the output file Document Properties and Summary it still says 8 X 11 as if it did not read the setup info.

The only thing that works is to go in and crop the document
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
you can get your document to print as you want it, to 8x10 -- keep trying. The PDF crop solution is clumsey and unnecessary.

these suggestions may seem or be repetive.

given: set your word document to paper size of 8x10 (page setup> paper tab)try one: print to Adobe PDF (launches print dialog); in zoom section near the OK button at 'scale to paper size' select 'no scaling'; click OK. Check result.

try two: in the print dialog click 'properties' button; click the 'add' button (located near the right margin); at 'paper names' enter a label '8 x 10' (any meaningful label) and in paper size enter your values; click 'add/modify' button. Click OK and then click 'close' on the print dialog. Start again the print dialog from Word's toolbar (or print icon); select Adobe PDF; at 'scale to paper size' select '8 x 10'; click OK. Check result.

Note: the 'scale to' option allows one to print, say, a tabloid (11x17) size word document page to a PDF sized at, say, 4x5.
Don Johnson
Registered: Jun 13 2010
Posts: 1
rbogie wrote:
try two: in the print dialog click 'properties' button; click the 'add' button (located near the right margin); at 'paper names' enter a label '8 x 10' (any meaningful label) and in paper size enter your values; click 'add/modify' button. Click OK and then click 'close' on the print dialog. Start again the print dialog from Word's toolbar (or print icon); select Adobe PDF; at 'scale to paper size' select '8 x 10'; click OK. Check result.
This solution worked for me, having a similar problem after a dying hard-drive and a reinstall of Word and Acrobat... I am not sure if I discovered it in the previous install, but I had it working back then. Anyway, I am back in business. Thanks.
