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Creating a PDF with 2 pages rather than opening 2 seperate files?

Registered: Feb 6 2009
Posts: 3

Hello, first of all let me apologize if this is an F.A.Q. I couldn't find my answer anywhere on the web and it seems like this might be the best place to ask. I really stink at using Adobe Reader so I'm hoping you guys can help me.

I have Adobe Reader 8. For work I created 2 pages of pictures and text. I have to put them in PDF format so I can put them on numerous different computers. I saved them both as PDF files and can open them with Adobe Reader. That was no big deal. What I want to do is take those 2 files and create one PDF from them. Right now I have to open both files and print them seperately. I want to be able to open one file (which will ultimately contain both of my files) and print them in one shot. I hope I was clear enough.

I would greatly appreciate some help. Or maybe you could point me in the right direction? Thanks!


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.0, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
In Acrobat you can open the first document and then select "Document > Insert Pages" to add the page from the other document. But this requires Acrobat, Reader cannot do this.George
Registered: Feb 6 2009
Posts: 3
Thank you so much!
Registered: May 20 2008
Posts: 15
Is there a feature on adobe's website that enables someone with reader only to combine or insert pages?