We are having trouble creating a pdf from a word 2007 file (or a a word 97-2003 saved file) from within acrobat 8.1 (using windows XP pro) We can create simple pdf's but we need to use bookmarking which will only happen if you do a full pdf. When we try to do this we get the following error "An unexpected errir occurred - PDFMaker was unable to produce the Adobe PDF".
We have tried repairing acrobat, uninstalling and re-installing but keep getting this same message. I've checked all the settings in the distiller. Can anyone help with this please - We installed acrobat 8.0 and used the adobe patch to upgrade to 8.1 because we are running office Pro 2007.
You might try turning off the following option under the Adobe PDF Change Conversion Settings menu: Under the Acrobat PDFMaker Settings dialog uncheck "Enable Accessibility and Reflow with tagged Adobe PDF".
Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for AcrobatUsers.com.