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How to make links open to New Window as default

Frank Pytel
Registered: Jan 12 2009
Posts: 10

Good Morning;

I hope someone can help me. I am a complete novice trying to muddle my way through.

I am trying to ge the office to go semi paperless with pdf's. I have 5 to 500 tiff files that I turn into pdf's. I then insert links between the individual pdf's by using the Link tool to create an area link to a different file.

I then select the area marker/border > right click > select Properties. Then select Action tab > Highlight the link in the Actions window and click Edit. Lastly I click the drop down box titled Open In and select New Window.

I am creating 40 - 50 links per page and this sucks bad. Is there anyway to set this drop down box to New Window by default? It is currently defaulted to Window Set by User Preference. I had thought that it would suffice to tell everyone to set the user preference to New Window, but that became impractical.

Can anyone direct me further with this? Thank you very much, in advance. I sincerely appreciate it.


Adobe Acrobat Pro v.8.1.6
Windows XP

Have a Great Day!

Frank Pytel

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Sep 22 2009
Posts: 3
Did you ever figure this out?

My problem is that I need my weblinks to open in a new window simply by clicking them without having to right click and choose the option. It seems to be defaulting to downloading the link in the document which is awful! MY audience is not going to understand or have the patience to right click...they are not all tech savvy. I need it to default to open the new window. Can anyone help?
Registered: May 19 2008
Posts: 46
Try this: in your code, add target="_blank". Immediately after the name of your pdf.

without the parenthesis around your pdf pathname
Registered: Sep 27 2009
Posts: 1

I am also looking for this answer, how do I open links in a new window?

thank you

[url=]Business long distance[/url]

Registered: Aug 13 2009
Posts: 1
I have a similar problem I have a portfolio with 8 pages and there are multiple links moving from page to page within the portfolio. It works beautifully until I load the portfolio on my website- then when someone clicks on the link, it takes them to the welcome page again, so they have no clue how to access the location I am trying to point them to.

I check the link instruction and it changed from my orginal instruction.
I set the links between pages
By the following command:
Go to a page view
Scroll to it and
Set link

I Save the portfolio then the link instruction changes to
Execute a menu item
Go to a page in another document
File: pdf attachment
Page 2

but it doesn't take them to that document or page just to the welcome page. PLEASE HELP - my application went live Friday and its a problem!
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
repa wrote:
I'm in the same position of needing the information of open in a new window feature.
Looking for guidance.
See "openInPlace" :