I'm processing several thousand html pages to PDF using the Create PDF > From Multiple Files.
Many of the HTML files are not resizing and are cutting off content on the edges.
I have used the Create PDF > From Web Page area to go into the settings and I have tried the following:
I have "Scale Wide Contents to fit page" checked.
I have "Switch to landscape if scaled smaller than 70%" checked.
I changed the margins to 0" all the way around.
I tried both Portrait and Landscape.
I tried Letter and Legal page sizes and larger.
These were the only options I saw that should affect the sizing and I can't think of anything else I can change to make it work.
If I open one of the trouble HTML files in a program such as Safari and save to PDF from that program, it sizes properly. But since I'm doing such a large batch, this will not work in the long run.
Does anyone have any ideas of something that I may not have tried yet?
I'm using Acrobat 8.0 (on Mac).
Below is a screen of the good one from creating a PDF via Safari and the bad one that I get using Acrobat.