I am trying to create four or five Word (2007) files and convert some of them to PDF files (Acrobat 9 Pro). The primary file will be converted to PDF. Some hyperlinks from it will open another Word file. I have no problem with this. I want other hyperlinks to open another file to a specific bookmark in the file. These hyperlinks do not work in my early attempts. Can this be done?
Sort answer - you'll not get what you describe from the link in the PDF.
MS Word uses " # " to denote an open parameter with MS Word files.
Acrobat use " # " to denote an open parameter for PDF.
The allowed parameters are not the same.
In the past, for a MS Word Hyperlink that went to another Word file's "bookmark", Adobe PDFMaker (when properly configured) would provide a link to the file but not to the parameter following " #".
In a fully updated Office 2007/Acrobat 9.x configuration it appears that Adobe PDFMaker (again, properly configured) no longer evens sets a link to the Word file.
This may be a consequence of the security related updates provided for Office 2007 and Acrobat products.
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