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Keeping the Page Size to 100 percent

Registered: Jan 29 2007
Posts: 5

I teach a portfolio class for my students at Northern Illinois University.

Currently we use CS3 with Acrobat 8 to create our portfolios.

We often convert our Word files for the portfolios
by printing a Word Document to PDF.

Unfortunately, when we click on the new PDF file, it opens at more than
200% of its original size. I want to know how to have the PDF open at 100%
or less of its original size.

It is a pain to change the viewing size for every new document in
the portfolio. It would be nice to open to a page that fits nicely on the
opening screen without making any initial adjustment.


Joe Scudder

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
This is a duplicate post- I replied in the other one.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
you may find a solution by creating a batch sequence (doc processing on advanced menu): new sequence > name it > select command: document | open option > add > edit > open action: clear check and enter values of your choice.
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Dimitri said:
If you go to File ->Properties (with the PDF open) you can set the page size in the Document Properties dialog under the Inital View tab.rbogie said:
you may find a solution by creating a batch sequence (doc processing on advanced menu): new sequence > name it > select command: document | open option > add > edit > open action: clear check and enter values of your choice.and another choice 8^)
Open Adobe Reader or Acrobat Standard/Professional.
Don't need an open PDF file for this.
From the Menu bar, select Edit > Preferences > Page Display category > in the "Default Layout and Zoom" pane, Set "Zoom" to the desired value > OK
Close the application.
The next time you open your PDF file(s) you'll observe that they open to the Zoom value you have set.
Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Jan 29 2007
Posts: 5
Wow, this was a great set of answers! I learned something from each of them.
They took me to places I had never been in Acrobat.

I found the answer by Dimitri to be the best solution for my portfolio class
because I can make it open at 100% or 75% (or several other size choices) of the original size on the viewer's computer. I also found that Dimitri's solution created with Acrobat Professional 8 opened fine on Acrobat Professional 5 in the smaller size. It also worked on Acrobat Reader version 7 on computer that only had the Acrobat Reader installed.

I believe the other two solutions must be implemented by the end user--something I am trying to avoid for students who are sending CD/DVD electronic portfolios to prospective employers or clients.

Thanks for the timely and great solutions.

Joe Scudder
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
the batch solution would be utilized by the creator of the files, not the end user. Once the batch sequence is tailored to your requirements, you apply it to one or more files. Voila, the open preferences in all files are set as you prescribed. Say you want to tweak the settings on 1000 files, run your batch sequence on them and return after a taking nap.