Hi, I have been trying to reduce the size of my PDF by printing to PDF and saving it on my hard drive. But when I do so I loose all my Bookmarks. Is there a way to fix this problem or reduce the size from say 35mb to a few mb's without losing the bookmarks? Thanks for the help
I am using windows xp and adobe acrobat 8 professional
Adobe most strongly recommends against using this ersatz method for reducing PDF file size. Use the proper tools for PDF optimization and file size reduction that are already available in Acrobat Pro. They will do the job without loss of bookmarks and any other relevant non-print data.
- Dov
Dov Isaacs is a Principal Scientist at Adobe Systems Incorporated specializing in PDF publishing workflow, PDF print standards, prepress, and printing. He is also chair of the ISO TC130 WG2/TF2 group responsible for PDF/X standards.