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PDF cropping and exporting

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 5

Hi, so my issue is with a pdf that I'm trying to import into InDesign and then turn into another PDF. I've tried everything, cropping the image, saving as postscript, ect. but it keeps giving me an error message of courier font being not embedded or something when I finally try to turn into a pdf, and it's driving me crazy,

So my Question is, how can I delete the part of the pdf that I crop out when I crop/trim my original PDF in Acrobat Professional 7 or is that impossible? because it seems to me that the only thing that the cropping tool does is mask the part of the picture that you dont want to look at, but it doesnt actually take it away.

please, any advise would be nice!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0, Macintosh
Registered: Sep 27 2007
Posts: 84
You're correct in saying that the Crop tool only hides the portion of the PDF. All the content is still there and nothing is lost.

You can select and delete (also move, copy and paste) specific objects in Acrobat Pro is by using the TouchUp Object tool if desired.
See info here:
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 5
thank you!