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PDF from MS-Word document doesn't support imbedded PDF in Word?

Registered: Nov 9 2008
Posts: 1

I searched the forums and didn't find the answer to this vexing issue.

Background: I have a MS-Word document (doesn't matter whether it's 2003 or 2007) into which I've imbedded several Adobe Acrobat PDF's as separate objects for particular categories within the document. This is a great feature because when the user double-clicks on the Logo or cover page in MS-Word (that's all that's displayed when imbedding the PDF into Word), it causes a new PDF window to open and fully display all the pages associated with that OLE. This saves valuable page space within MS-Word. The file sizes are large, but it saves space. So far so good?

Problem: When taking that MS-Word document, with those imbedded PDF's, and then creating a PDF, the double-clicking on the logo or cover page does not create a new PDF reader window to open as it behaves in MS-Word. I need a feature that is similar to this in order to retain control of this already very large document. Would linking to a PDF file work, and if so, where would that file need to be located if the document was being posted to a website?

Thanx much for any help or direction you can send my way...

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
The embedding PDF doesn't create a new PDF Reader window but you can create a link using the link tool in Acrobat and include Javascript to open the PDF in a new browser window. Ted Padova has a blog on [url=]Opening PDFs in New Browser Windows[/url] that can help you with this.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Would linking to a PDF file work, and if so, where would that file need to be located if the document was being posted to a website?
Yes, using an MS Word hyperlink to each PDF could work.

As to location of the target PDF files, the simplest scheme is to have all files adjacent to one another.
Set up your MS Word file on your local machine's HDD in a working folder/directory. Have the target PDF files adjacent to this file. Each MS Word hyperlink's path will have a PDF file as the target.

Perhaps something like "See this PDF" could be appropriately placed, as the link, in an applicable category.

Suggest that, using the PDFMaker with appropriate configuration, an output PDF be made from the MS Word file. Copy the file set to a common location on the web server. Provide a link to the output PDF that came from the MS Word file. Consider some form of user navigation to allow return to the file with the links.
Something as simple as "Back" as a bookmark in the PDF(s) would work.

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