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Poor quality graphics when I PDF from MS Word 2007

Registered: May 27 2008
Posts: 5

I am having difficulty getting good graphics resolution when I PDF from Word 2007 into Adobe Acrobat 8 Standard. My graphics look perfectly sharp in Word at any size, but become "pixelated" when I PDF them. I have tried using the Acrobat "High Quality Print" setting in Word, but this only results in minimal improvement.

I discovered that the quality of the graphic in Acrobat depends on the format of the graphic file I inserted in Word. PNG and GIF graphics PDF poorly, and JPEG graphics PDF better. My problem is that I need a transparent background for our company logo, and the JPEG format apparently doesn't support that.

I never had any trouble PDFing graphics in earlier versions of Word, so I'm not sure why this should suddenly be a problem.

Registered: May 28 2008
Posts: 1
We are experiencing the exact same issue. A response would be very, very helpful!
Registered: Mar 23 2009
Posts: 1
I am having this problem as well. Has anyone ever provided an answer?
Registered: May 27 2008
Posts: 5
I never figured out how to improve my graphics resolution using Acrobat 8 Standard.

I finally gave up and purchased Acrobat 9 Professional, which solved the problem -- my graphics PDF nicely now. Acrobat Professional is a bit pricey, but worth the money to me. Not only do my graphics look great now, but I can also create PDF forms.

If anyone DOES figure out a solution using Acrobat 8 Standard, I'd be very interested in hearing about it.
Registered: Nov 1 2010
Posts: 2
It would be nice if Adobe responded to this thread. We have the same issue with Adobe 9 and inserted to MS Office 2003 or 2007. It makes no difference the quality of the inserted document is lousy.

We end up having to scan our documents to jpg and inserting them to maintain perfect resloution.

Adobe should address this issue. Right now, it is no use using the program in conjunction with Microsoft Word.

Working for the government we have no choice but to use MS Word 2003/07 and are using Adobe 9 Standard. These programs should be fully compatable with one another.