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Probem with fonts with Acrobat 8 Pro


I am 'printing to PDF' from an Excel document (using Acrobat 8.0 and Excel 2003). When printing, a message appears warning that ArialMT is missing, and if I wish to continue or cancel. Choosing continue the PDF is created.
The, when the created PDF is imported as a graphic into QuarkXpress it shows terribly on screen –very hard to read– however prints perfectly.
Trying to fix the problem, I embedrf in a job options of Destiller the Arial family at 100% subset. This move has not made a difference in the way the PDF looks in Quark.
What could be happening? What do I need to do? It seems like there was a replacement of a font to Type 1 postscript with a screen font missing. But I don't think we have been using Type 1 fonts in a long time. A month ago, working with the previous version of Acrobat (7), and of Quark, that was not a problem.
Thanks for you advice.
Rocío López-Bretzlaff
Edmonton, AB Canada

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Dec 1 2005
Posts: 122

It looks like there are two issues here that are not neccesarily related. The first issue is the font issue. ArialTT might be required for the spreadsheet, but Excel will swap the font if it needs to. Acrobat will complain about that, but use substitution fonts in the PDF.

The onscreen rendering of the PDF in Quark is a rendering issue. I am not that familiar with it, but in InDesign, you can have the application render the PDF from the data in the file instead of using a proxy preview-which is what sounds like you are seeing.

How does it look in Acrobat or Reader?


I am a long-time Acrobat user, an employee of Adobe Systems, and Maine native. I have created training videos for Total Training, consulted with people to help them better use Acrobat, and developed new business for Adobe as a Business Development Manager

RocioLB (not verified)
The data resulting from creating a PDF from an excel chart, displays and prints correctly in the PDF.

Same PDF imported into Quark as a picture, looks terrible but prints correctly.
RocioLB (not verified)
Tim, thank you very much for your response. I took some time to respond because I wanted to go back upgrade Acrobat to 8.1.1. and check some of the possibilities you suggested.

I do realize that although PDF complains about the missing font it does produced the PDF and the PDF looks perfect.

However, when imported as a graphic into Quark is when the viewing really get distorted. Quark has also a setting that is supposed to render a higher resolution images, however the memory usage renders it unusable for multi-page documents.

I suppose I will have to live with the display problem (as far as it prints correctly) until I find a solution, meanwhile, thank you again for your time and for sharing your expertise.

Have a Happy Holiday Season!
Rocio LB
Edmonton, AB Canada