I have created a PDF Form which works correct if downloaded from Firefox or IE. But if I open it from Google Chrome it is downloaded and displayed properly but doesn't function properly.
1. We create custom PDF forms in Acrobat, places various text boxes and Submit buttons whose action is defined to be redirected to a web URL.
2. After creating forms we upload/save this form in Database.
3. Now users open these forms in web browser and fill in the fields.
4. After filling the required fields they click on Submit button.
5. On clicking Submit button the form is posted to one of our web pages which consumes and saves this form in Database again.
Now Step no. 1 to 3 are functioning properly. But in Google Chrome user cannot get ahead of step 3. Nothing happens if user clicks on Submit button after filling all required fields (even all fields). All 5 steps are functioning properly on IE and Firefox. Please help.
But I can do this in my browser. The site / forms are accessed by various online users and I cannot do this setting on their browsers. Any code in Asp.Net or in Acrobat JavaScript that disables this Plugin via code is most welcome. Please help.