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Problems with Arial font and Acrobat Pro 9.

Registered: Oct 14 2008
Posts: 6

I recently upgraded from Acrobat Pro 6 to Acrobat Pro 9. I have a Word document that I use to create a PDF. It uses the Arial Open Type font from my Windows XP system for the body and headings (italic). When I created a PDF using Acrobat 6, the body appears to display correctly. However, the headings display in a serif font that I can't identify. It does not match any of the fonts listed in the PDF document properties. The PDF document properties fonts listed do not include Arial. The Arial italic font says: Arial-ItalicMT, Type: Type 1, Encoding: Ansi, Actual Font: Arial-ItalicMT, Actual Font Type: Type 1.

My friend took the same source file, and created a PDF using Acrobat Pro 8. The headings appear to be correct, and the PDF document properties list the Arial font as Arial (Embedded Subset), Type: TrueType, Encoding: Ansi. The italic version says: Arial, Italic, Type: TrueType, Encoding: Ansi, Actual Font: Arial-ItalicMT, Actual Font Type: TrueType.

Why can't I create a PDF that uses the Arial font correctly in my headings?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
What Windows operating system and version of Word are you running?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Oct 14 2008
Posts: 6
The OS is Windows XP.

Word: This gets more complicated. I recently upgraded from Word 2003 to Word 2007. Unfortunately, I upgraded both Acrobat and Word since the last time I successfully generated the PDF.

I still have Word 2003 on my system. After I posted the original question, I tried generating the PDF from Word 2003, and it worked. (My default Save option is to use the Word 2003 format, for compatibility with others in my office.) My friend who successfully generated the file using Acrobat 8 is also using Word 2003.

So, it appears that Word 2007 might be causing the problem. Any suggestions?
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
In the Word 2007 PDFMaker macro settings, what is selected under the Settings tab for Conversion Settings?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Nov 29 2007
Posts: 223
Would it be possible for you to post a sample document that exhibits the problem?
Registered: Oct 14 2008
Posts: 6
Conversion settings: Standard(1)
[I modified the "Standard" to provide compatibility for Acrobat 5. Otherwise, I'm using the same settings as the Standard set.]

I'm using the same conversion settings whether I'm generating the PDF from Word 2003 or from Word 2007. It correctly handles the Arial font in the header from Word 2003, but not from Word 2007.

How would I post a sample document? Can I add an attachment?
Registered: Nov 29 2007
Posts: 223
You can upload to and provide a link here.
Registered: Oct 14 2008
Posts: 6
I uploaded a small portion of the Word 2007 document I've been using:

I also uploaded the results of generating the PDF from Word 2003, where the title and heading display correctly:

And the results of generating the PDF from Word 2007, where the title and heading do not display correctly:
Registered: Nov 29 2007
Posts: 223
Interesting. The document you posted has content in a font named "Arial Bold". I have a font by that name on my system, but when I look into Word's font substitution dialog (Word Options>Advanced>Font substitution), it shows "Arial Bold" as a missing font.When I convert this to PDF, I get the same result as you posted - the conversion is substituting Arial Bold with some other font.

One workaround that I can think of was to replace Heading 1 to use "Arial" with Bold/Italic attributes instead of using "Arial bold".
Steps: Put your cursor over the text. "Heading 1" will get highlighted in the Word ribbon, Right click it and select "Modify", In Formatting section, change "Arial Bold" to Arial.
Registered: Oct 14 2008
Posts: 6
Well, the workaround doesn't explain what's happening, but it works. Thanks very much!
Registered: Jul 1 2009
Posts: 5
I am having the same problem, although Acrobat Pro 9 is converting my Word headings font from Arial to Times New Roman. I have Word 2007, but tested this with both a Word 2003 and Word 2007 version of the same file, and Acrobat 9 Pro converted the headings in both versions to TNR. A co-worker has Acrobat 9 Reg, and she encountered the same issue when she tested it for me. The only way I was able to convert it correctly was to ask another co-worker who had Acrobat 8 to do so, and it converted clean. So, it appears to be definitely an Acrobat 9 bug, and appears to affect Word headings 1 thru 9, and any custom heading styles based on one of those. Any fixes out there?
Registered: Jul 1 2009
Posts: 5
I just tried that fix, too, and it worked! Thank you so much, you've saved me from a huge headache!! :-)
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
This may be related to a Microsoft issue where [url=]A PDF file that you create in Word 2007 uses the default font instead of the font that you specified in Windows XP[/url] for which a hotfix has been released.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Aug 3 2009
Posts: 1
When I convert a Printmaster Platinum 18 doc to PDF, the alignment of the text is off. I have Adobe Pro 9, on Windows XP. I was using the Arial font, then changed to Times New Roman, to still have the same issue. HELP!
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Have you installed the MS Hotfix?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for