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Problems combining with 7.0 Pro

Mr Ed
Registered: Jun 22 2010
Posts: 6

As a new user, I apologize on the front end for the length of this post, but I felt all details would be helpful.

This is happening on at least two computers. Users have, in the past, been able to combine several Excel 2003 files into a PDF file for distribution. A folder may contain 100+ files, but the users have always been able to combine them in the past. This month, Acrobat will be going through the process and just stop. The computer doesn't hang up or display any errors. Acrobat just stops with an Excel file open. It always stops around file #50.

This apparently started when our home office decided to update all computers to the Acrobat Reader 9.3 update using LANDesk.

I have tried removing the Reader totally.

I have tried removing and reinstalling Acrobat Pro 7.0 and letting it update.

I tried removing Acrobat Pro again and renaming the C:\Program Files\Adobe and C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe folders and reinstalling again.

I have tried removing and reinstalling MS Office.

I have tried the same combine while logged on as an administrator and other users.

None of these steps works; I can’t make either of these computers combine the files.

I have installed our original image on a lab computer, removed the reader and installed 7.0 Pro, and it works fine. I feel the 9.3 reader update caused my problem, but I don't know what to do to fix it.

Any other suggestions would sure be welcomed. Right now, the only way I know to fix these computers is to reinstall the original image and start over.

thx . . . ed

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Can you explain what process you use to combine the files? Are you combining them in Acrobat or are you right-clicking on the files in Windows and combining them? Or, do you use a batch command? What point version of Acrobat 7 do you have installed? Are all the point updates properly installed?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Mr Ed
Registered: Jun 22 2010
Posts: 6
Please bear with me because, though I do desktop support, I'm very inexperienced with Acrobat Pro.

The version listed in Help About is 7.1.0, and I think all updates have been applied. I've checked for updates, and it's finding nothing new.

In order to combine the files, the user is selecting them in Explorer and right-clicking to select Combine.

Thanks for the response.
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
The issue may be related to having Acobat 7.x Pro and Adobe Reader 9.x installed on the same local machine(s).
Mixing Adobe Reader versions, Reader - Acrobat versions, or Acrobat versions on the same box is something Adobe does not recommend or support.

Be well...

Be well...

Mr Ed
Registered: Jun 22 2010
Posts: 6
Yep. It was upgraded from our home office, and I'm sure that's when the problems started.

I've had a stroke of luck, though. The users want to upgrade to MS Office 2007, and I've shown them articles that Office 2007 and Acrobat Pro 7.0 are incompatible. They ordered Acrobat Pro 9, and I expect that'll solve the problem.

thx for the reply.