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Relative Links keep breaking after Batch PDF in Acrobat

Registered: Jan 23 2008
Posts: 10


Any suggestions on a remedy to my problem.
Please read further for details.

We create and maintain a large number of documents - with MS Word ( I know this is a problem in itself) - that have hyperlinks throughout, that end up as PDF for web server access and DVD distribution.

Relative links are not maintained by Acrobat - version 6, 7 or 8 - when Acrobat itself PDFs the files. It does not matter whether each file is PDFd separately or in a batch process with others.
Before anyone suggests it, I already know all about the settings within the Acrobat preferences and the "Auto Update on Open" checkbox feature within MS Word.

Thing is, when a file is PDFd from MS Word using the PDFwriter, i.e. "Convert to Adobe PDF" button on the toolbar, the relative links get maintained in the resultant PDF.

So ... what is wrong?

Should I mention that early last fall, our IT department upgraded my MS Office to 2003 - I was using an earlier version of Word.
Also, I have had difficulties on my laptop with the Adobe software links to MS Office which has necessitated IT to repair or re-install Acrobat twice now.
I am fairly certain that I didn't have any issue with the relative hyperlinks before this.

Please, don't tell me to upgrade to Acrobat version 7 or 8.
I use Acrobat 7 Pro at home and don't have this problem.
My manager uses Acrobat Standard 8, and another colleague uses version 7. They each have the same problem as I do in the office with the relative links not being maintained when Acrobat - itself - PDFs a document.

Anyone know - definitively - what's the problem?

P.S. I'm an advanced Acrobat user and have been struggling with this issue for a few days now.
P.P.S. We have over 15,000 files in our repository that require infrequent PDF updates, and I have always found batching to be the most convenient method of changing security, and other settings.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 6.0, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Can you detail the exact process you use to "batch" create your PDFs? Just to confirm, your Preferences under "Convert to PDF" MS Office has the checkbox selected for "Add links to the Adobe PDF file" (Acrobat 7 & 8), correct?The Acrobat 6 PDFMaker macro does not support Word 2003 but Acrobat 6.0.1 does so make sure you have this update installed.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Jan 23 2008
Posts: 10
Thank you so much for replying.
I really appreciate it.

I'll address your second question first.
Yes, I have the 6.0.1 update installed. When I click on "About Acrobat 6.0" under "Help" on the toolbar, the Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional (patents) window opens, and it shows "Version 6.0.1 11/3/2003" under the title.

To be precise about how I created the batch macro, examine the following:
1. I selected "Batch Processing" under "Advanced" on the toolbar.
2. I noticed a previously installed batch name for PDFing but ignored it (long since deleted due to indiscriminate edits in various batch macros) since I wanted to originally create a sequence that adjusted the security settings - this batch sequence not editted to run without security.
3. in the "Batch Sequences" window, I selected the "New Sequence" button, and gave it the name "BatchPDF".
4. In the subsequent window for "Batch Edit Sequence - BatchPDF", I set the batch as follows:
1. Selected sequence of commands:
- "Description" (left at default settings)
- Open Options (left at default settings)
2. Run commands on:
- "Ask When Sequence is Run" (though this may be changed at times)
3. Select out location:
- "Same Folder as Original(s)" (left at default setting).
5. I do not change anything on the "Output Options" button.

When I need to run the batch macro, I select the name from the "Batch Sequences" list and let it run, given that I have to respond to certain prompts, which really should not have any effect creating URLs within the resultant PDFs.

So, that's all.
Any suggestions?
Registered: Jan 23 2008
Posts: 10
Oops, I forgot to respond to one other question of yours.

Regarding whether "Add links to Adobe PDF" is checked in the MS Word 2003 "Convert to Adobe PDF" settings, more appropriately shown as "Change Conversion Settings" -- yes, it is checked.
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Actually the setting I'm referring to is different. Specifically it's under the Preferences (in Acrobat 7 and 8 -- I'm not sure if it's in version 6). The reason this is important is because the batch tools utilitze the File --> Create PDF functionality and this Preference affects this. Can you confirm this is checked?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Jan 23 2008
Posts: 10
I checked the Preferences in Adobe Acrobat 6.0.1 again, and as I knew I had checked earlier, the following is checked:
"Add bookmarks and links to Adobe PDF file" is checked after confirming "Convert to PDF" => "Microsoft Office" and select the "Edit Settings" button.