This is the first time I am attempting this so please pardon the silly questions if any.
I had the hard copy of a document that I scanned into a pdf document.
I need to edit this document and use the same font as was in the original printed copy.
I notice that the scanned pdf has the same font but when I try to edit it using the touch up text tool I get a message saying that the system cannot find the font and it throws me a somewhat matching font.
Is it possible to get the original font somehow as I would like to edit in the same font.
Also, as I am editing the text formatting is constrained to a box and I am not able to increase the length and breadth of the box beyond what it is originally set to and as a result it is limiting my capacity to type in more text
Is there any solution to this ? Btw I am using adobe acrobat Pro 9.0.
Is there any other better way of acheving what I am trying to accomplish that is scan a document and edit it and print it
You can use the tools in Microsoft's Office and when you're done convert the file to a PDF.
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