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Should I upgrade from 6 Pro to 9 Pro?

Registered: Dec 28 2008
Posts: 3

I've been using Acrobat 6 Pro for years. I tried upgrading to 8 Pro a year or so ago but returned it. It took version 8 about 15-20 seconds to load, versus version 6 about 2-3 seconds. It also took significantly longer to create documents.

I'm wondering if I will I still run into the same performance problem with version 9, or should I go for it?


Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
There's a trial download, so you can test it yourself. A9 is a bigger chunk of software than A6, but there have also been improvements in streamlining so the startup speed is "not bad". More often than not it's the setup of your OS that makes the biggest difference, such as application caching in XP.

There are loads of advantages to upgrading that the guys at Adobe will be pleased to shout from the rooftops, but the main question is who you work with. If you're going to be sent PDFs or asked to make PDFs with features from A9 (Portfolios, flash etc.), you need A9 to work on them. If everything you ever do is in PDF/X1 then you won't care as much. I know many printers who still use A6 happily because they won't take in anything later from clients, but it's a different matter if you create content for websites.